Our Museum
Come Visit Our Museum
Permanent Exhibit
The Water Trail: From River to River
The Water Trail: From River to River
Children have fun discovering the exhibition through Professor Hydraulix’s Rally (8 years and up) or through the Rallye All’eau photo! (ages 5 to 7). The exhibition’s pleasant and fascinating decor, complete with the famous bubble columns, even encourages toddlers to want to stay longer than their parents!
You can view many pieces of the C.I.EAU permanent collection online, including some in our permanent exhibit! To do so, go to the page Collection.

Plan Your Visit
Plan your visit to the Centre d'interprétation de l'eau!
Before you visit the Museum…
- Make sure that you do not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, fatigue, breathing difficulties, headaches, etc.). If you do, we ask that you reschedule your visit to a time when you are feeling better.
- Reserve the date and time of your visit by using our Online Ticket Office or by calling us at 450 963-6463 or by email at [email protected].
- Plan your route. The C.I.EAU is accessible by public transportation, has free parking nearby, and has charging stations for electric vehicles.
- Latecomers may be denied entry due to the maximum allowable capacity of the Museum. The parking lot is reserved for visitors to the C.I.EAU and is to the right of the St. Rose Water Treatment Plant, behind the library.
- A self-service checkroom is available. Please keep your personal belongings to a minimum.
- Face coverings are mandatory for ages 10 and up when visiting the Museum and recommended for ages 2 and up. This way, you protect yourself and others.
When you arrive at the Museum…
- Come to the C.I.EAU, 12 Hotte Street, Laval, Quebec H7L 2R3, at the selected visiting time.
- Follow the signs and get your tickets at the reception desk.
- Get started with your visit!
During your visit…
- Disinfect your hands at designated hand sanitation stations.
- Cough into your elbow, if needed.
- Follow floor and wall signs, visitor spacing and staff directions.
- If you are not feeling well at the time of your visit, please notify a staff member promptly so that they can assist you.
What health measures are in place?
- A limited number of visitors are allowed at any one time in the Museum to enforce social distancing.
- More frequent cleaning of public areas is done by staff.
- Face coverings are mandatory for all visitors 10 years of age and older and recommended for all others.
- Hydro-alcohol stations are available at several locations throughout the facility. Please use them!
Do you still have questions?
Consult our FAQ or Contact Us!