Eau bout de la chaîne
Have you ever given any thought to the fact that many invisible organisms swim alongside you when you swim in a lake or river? Quebec’s freshwater ecosystems are beautiful and fascinating. Through images and videos taken by a diver-biologist, your students will discover the intriguing world of food chains. From large loons and snapping turtles, to tiny daphnia, protozoa and bacteria: all of these organisms are part of complex food webs and each species has an impact on the others and on water quality.
Schedule and Duration
This activity takes place every day from Monday to Friday. The activity is offered at the C.I.EAU museum, in your class and can also be given virtually. The activity lasts one hour.
The Eau bout de la chaîne activity was designed for a class of 30 students. It is available for both in-school and at-home use.


Rate for the Eau bout de la chaîne activity
$350 per group for the activity at the museum of C.I.EAU (non-taxable)
$375 per group for the mobile format (non -taxable)
$190 per group for the online format (non-taxable)
Please note that for a reservation of more than one group from the same school you receive a $20 discount per group!
We also offer a $50 discount per activity for special groups to promote access to learning.
For any additional information, contact us directly at [email protected] or at 450 963-6463.

Links with the
Quebec Education Program
The activity Eau bout de la chaîne addresses several topics related to the elementary school education curriculum, particularly in science and technology, mathematics and the social world. For more details, consult the document below.
Educational Materials
Each C.I.EAU activity has been designed in collaboration with the school, educational and scientific communities in order to offer comprehensive activities that are in line with the Quebec school curriculum.
Click the photos below to download the documents related to this activity!